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  • 写作技巧
  • 2023-10-26 16:09:46
  • 171



1. Grandma:一个常见的、通用的称呼,表达对奶奶的亲近之情。

2. Nana:这个称呼通常用于英式英语,较为亲密温馨。

3. Granny:这个称呼通常用于英国北部和苏格兰,具有一种传统和亲切的感觉。

4. Gran:这个称呼在澳大利亚、新西兰和英国很流行,比较随意和亲切。

5. Abuela:在西班牙语中,奶奶通常被称为"abuela"。

6. Oma:在德语中,奶奶通常被称为"oma"。



Grandmother, also called "Nana" or "Granny," is the term used to refer to a person's mother's mother. When it comes to writing "grandmother" in English, there are no specific or fixed rules. Instead, it depends on personal preference or cultural background. Here are a few common ways to write "grandmother" in English:

1. Grandmother: This is the most common and straightforward term. It simply refers to one's mother's mother.

2. Grandma: This is a commonly used informal term for grandmother. It is often used by grandchildren or close family members.

3. Granny: Similar to "grandma," this term is also an informal and affectionate way of addressing one's grandmother.

4. Nana: This is another popular term for grandmother, especially among English-speaking countries. It has a warm and loving connotation.

5. Grams: This term is a less common variation of "grandma" and is often used in a more casual setting.

6. Gran: This is a shortened version of "grandmother" and is commonly used in Australia and the United Kingdom.

7. Oma: This term is derived from the German word for grandmother and is sometimes used in English-speaking countries, particularly if the grandmother has German heritage.

It's important to note that the choice of term may vary based on family traditions, regional dialects, or personal preferences. Ultimately, the most appropriate term to use would be the one that makes you and your grandmother feel comfortable and loved.