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  • 写作技巧
  • 2023-11-01 21:24:44
  • 69


Regretful is an adjective used to describe a feeling of disappointment or sorrow about something that has happened or failed to happen. It signifies a sense of sadness or remorse for a missed opportunity or an undesired outcome. When expressing regret in English, there are various phrases and expressions that can be used to convey this feeling. Some common expressions include "I regret that," "I'm sorry for," "Unfortunately," "I wish," and others. These phrases can be combined with specific verbs or actions to express regret in a more specific context. For example:

1. I regret that I didn't study harder for the exam.

2. I'm sorry for not attending your birthday party.

3. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to the meeting due to unforeseen circumstances.

4. I wish I hadn't made that mistake.

5. I deeply regret not taking the opportunity when it was presented to me.

In addition to these expressions, it is important to express sincerity and remorse when conveying regret. This can be done through tone of voice, body language, and choice of words. It is also common to offer apologies or make amends when appropriate.

Overall, regretful is a word often used to describe the feeling of disappointment or sorrow about something that has happened or failed to happen. By using appropriate expressions and conveying sincerity, one can effectively express and communicate their regrets in English.


"Regret" is the word we use in English to convey a feeling of disappointment, sadness, or remorse over something that has happened or a missed opportunity. It can be used in various contexts, from personal experiences to expressing sympathy towards others. Here are a few ways to express "regret" in English:

1. Regret: This is the most straightforward way to express regret. For example, "I regret not studying harder for the exam" or "She regrets not taking the job offer."

2. Apologies: When expressing regret for something you have done, apologize to the person affected. For instance, "I apologize for missing your birthday party" or "Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused."

3. Sorry: "Sorry" is a common and informal way to express regret, often used for minor or unintentional actions. For example, "I'm sorry for stepping on your foot."

4. Disappointed: This word expresses a feeling of regret when something doesn't meet your expectations. For instance, "I was disappointed that the concert was canceled" or "We were disappointed by the lack of response."

5. Missed opportunity: When you regret not taking advantage of an opportunity, describe it as a "missed opportunity." For example, "It was a missed opportunity to study abroad" or "I regret not investing in that company earlier."

6. Remorse: This term represents a deep sense of guilt or regret over a mistake or wrongdoing. For example, "He felt deep remorse for betraying his friend's trust."

7. Wishing: To express regret for a past event, use the phrase "I wish." For instance, "I wish I had known about the discount earlier" or "I wish I hadn't said those hurtful words."

Remember, the appropriate way to express regret may vary depending on the context and severity of the situation. Pay attention to the tone and level of formality in your language when expressing regret in English.