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  • 写作技巧
  • 2023-11-06 21:54:43
  • 63

When expressing the concept of being sick in English, there are various phrases and vocabulary that can be used. Here are some common ways to talk about being sick in English:

1. To be sick:

- I'm sick.

- I feel sick.

- I'm not feeling well.

- I'm under the weather.

- I'm unwell.

- I'm not in good shape.

2. To have a cold:

- I have a cold.

- I caught a cold.

- I'm suffering from a cold.

- I'm down with a cold.

- I have a runny nose and a sore throat.

3. To have the flu:

- I have the flu.

- I caught the flu.

- I'm suffering from the flu.

- I'm down with the flu.

- I have a high fever and body aches.

4. To have a fever:

- I have a fever.

- I'm running a fever.

- My temperature is high.

- I feel hot and have chills.

5. To have a headache:

- I have a headache.

- I'm suffering from a headache.

- My head hurts.

- I have a pounding headache.

6. To have a stomachache:

- I have a stomachache.

- I'm suffering from a stomachache.

- My stomach is hurting.

- I have cramps and nausea.

7. To feel dizzy:

- I feel dizzy.

- I'm suffering from dizziness.

- I feel lightheaded.

- I'm experiencing spinning sensations.

8. To feel tired:

- I feel tired.

- I'm suffering from fatigue.

- I'm exhausted.

- I lack energy and feel weak.

9. To have a cough:

- I have a cough.

- I'm suffering from a cough.

- I'm coughing a lot.

- I have a persistent cough.

10. To have a sore throat:

- I have a sore throat.

- I'm suffering from a sore throat.

- My throat is painful.

- I have difficulty swallowing.

These are just a few examples of how to talk about being sick in English. It's important to note that the specific vocabulary used may vary depending on the illness or symptoms being experienced.


How to express "being sick" in English

When we talk about being sick in English, there are several different phrases and expressions that can be used to describe this state. Here are some common ways to talk about being sick:

1. "I am sick" or "I am ill": These are simple and straightforward expressions that can be used to describe a general feeling of being unwell.

2. "I feel under the weather": This phrase is often used to describe feeling a bit off or not well, but not necessarily seriously ill.

3. "I have a cold": This is a specific condition that affects the respiratory system, often causing symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, and sore throat.

4. "I have the flu": This is a more severe viral infection that can cause symptoms such as high fever, body aches, fatigue, and respiratory issues.

5. "I have a headache" or "I have a stomachache": These phrases are used to describe specific localized pains in the head or stomach.

6. "I am nauseous" or "I feel nauseated": These expressions are used to describe the feeling of wanting to vomit or experiencing an upset stomach.

7. "I have a fever": This is a common symptom of many illnesses, characterized by an elevated body temperature.

8. "I am vomiting" or "I am throwing up": These phrases describe the act of expelling stomach contents through the mouth, often associated with gastrointestinal issues.

9. "I have diarrhea": This is the passing of loose, watery stools and is often associated with gastrointestinal infections.

10. "I am coughing" or "I have a cough": These expressions describe the act of expelling air from the lungs forcefully, often due to irritation or infection in the respiratory system.

When discussing your illness, it's important to provide specific details about your symptoms, such as the duration and severity, in order to help others understand your condition and provide appropriate support or medical advice.