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  • 写作技巧
  • 2023-10-23 07:14:47
  • 85

Dad's English name is commonly written as "Dad". However, if you are referring to the word "dad" in the sense of "father" or "dad" in a more general sense, it can be written as "father", "dad", "daddy", or "papa" depending on the context and personal preference.

In English-speaking cultures, "Dad" is a commonly used term to refer to one's father. It is a simple and affectionate way to address or refer to one's father figure. "Dad" is a term that is easy to pronounce and is widely recognized and understood by English speakers worldwide.

On a more formal note, "father" is a more official and formal term to refer to one's dad. This term is often used in formal or legal documents and has a more serious and authoritative tone.

Additionally, "daddy" is a more affectionate and endearing term, often used by young children or in more intimate or emotional settings. It conveys a sense of closeness and warmth towards one's father.

Lastly, "papa" is a term that is more commonly used in some cultures or regions to refer to one's father. It tends to have a more traditional or old-fashioned feel to it and is often used as a term of respect or endearment.

Overall, the choice of how to write "dad" in English depends on the context, personal preference, and the relationship between the speaker and their father.


"Daddy" is the common term used to refer to one's father in English. It is an endearing and familiar way to address a father figure. The word "Daddy" is informal, while "Father" is more formal.

When referring to one's own father, "Daddy" can be capitalized as "Dad" and used in a sentence as follows:

1. "My Daddy is the best father in the world."

2. "Daddy, can you help me with my homework?"

3. "I love spending time with my Dad."

When talking about someone else's father, it is more appropriate to use the term "Father" or "Dad":

1. "Sarah's Father is a doctor."

2. "His Dad works in a bank."

It's important to note that while "Daddy" is a term of endearment, it may not be suitable for formal or professional situations. In such cases, it is best to use "Father" or "Dad" instead.