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  • 写作技巧
  • 2023-10-31 07:19:45
  • 164

How to Write "Confidence" in English

Confidence is an essential trait that helps individuals overcome challenges and succeed in various aspects of life. In English, the word "confidence" is commonly used to describe a belief in one's abilities, qualities, and judgments. Here's how you can write "confidence" in English:

1. Noun form: Confidence

- Example sentence: She exuded confidence as she walked into the meeting room.

- Definition: The feeling or belief in one's abilities, qualities, and judgments; self-assurance.

2. Adjective form: Confident

- Example sentence: He was a confident public speaker and captivated the audience with his speech.

- Definition: Having or showing belief in one's abilities, qualities, and judgments; self-assured.

3. Verb form: Confide

- Example sentence: She confided in her best friend about her insecurities and doubts.

- Definition: To trust someone with private or confidential matters; to share with someone in a close and personal manner.

4. Adverb form: Confidently

- Example sentence: He confidently answered all the questions during the job interview.

- Definition: In a self-assured and assured manner; with belief in one's abilities and qualities.

5. Related terms:

- Confidence boost: an action or event that increases one's self-assurance and belief in themselves.

- Lack of confidence: a state of not having belief in one's abilities or qualities, often resulting in hesitation or self-doubt.

- Overconfidence: an excessive or unrealistic belief in one's abilities, often leading to mistakes or errors in judgment.

In conclusion, "confidence" can be expressed as a noun, adjective, verb, or adverb in English, and it is a fundamental characteristic that empowers individuals to face challenges and achieve success.



1. Self-confidence:a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgement(对自己能力、品质和判断的信任感).

2. Self-assuredness:confidence in oneself and in one's powers and abilities(对自己和自己的能力和才能的信心).

3. Self-esteem:confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect(对自己的价值或能力的信心;自尊心).

4. Assertiveness:confidently aggressive or self-assured; having the power and confidence to express opinions and make decisions(自信而积极主动;有权力和自信表达观点和作出决定).

5. Assuredness:feeling confident and sure about something(对某事感到自信和确定).

6. Confidence:a feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something(对某人或某事具有信心或信赖感).
