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  • 写作技巧
  • 2023-11-22 16:29:40
  • 40

The English term for "学科" is "subject" or "academic discipline". A subject refers to a specific area of study or branch of knowledge in which students engage in learning and research. It encompasses a set of related topics and concepts that form the foundation of a particular field of study.

In educational institutions, subjects are typically grouped into various academic disciplines such as mathematics, literature, science, social sciences, humanities, and arts. These disciplines serve as broad categories that encompass multiple subjects that share a common focus or methodology.

Each academic discipline represents a distinct approach to understanding and exploring different aspects of the world. For example, mathematics involves the study of numbers, calculations, and mathematical concepts, while literature involves the **ysis and appreciation of written works of fiction and non-fiction.

Academic disciplines provide a framework for organizing knowledge and guiding the teaching and learning process. They help students develop foundational skills, critical thinking abilities, and a deeper understanding of specific subject areas. The study of academic disciplines also allows for specialization and expertise in a particular field, leading to further research and innovation.

The importance of academic disciplines lies in their ability to provide structure and coherence to the vast body of knowledge. They enable researchers and scholars to communicate and collaborate within their respective fields, as well as across disciplines, fostering interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex issues and advancing knowledge.

In conclusion, "学科" in English can be translated as "subject" or "academic discipline". It refers to a specific field of study or branch of knowledge that encompasses related topics and concepts. Academic disciplines provide structure and coherence to the vast body of knowledge, allowing for specialization, research, and collaboration in various areas of study.


The English word for "学科" is "academic discipline".