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  • 写作技巧
  • 2023-11-25 10:54:38
  • 194

The phrase "互相" in English can be translated as "mutually" or "each other." This term is often used to describe the reciprocal or mutual exchange of actions, feelings, or ideas between two or more parties. Here are a few examples of how to use "互相" in English sentences:

1. We should respect and listen to each other's opinions. - 我们应该尊重并倾听彼此的意见。

2. They rely on each other for support and encouragement. - 他们互相依赖,给予支持和鼓励。

3. My friend and I often give each other advice and help. - 我和朋友经常互相给予建议和帮助。

4. The two countries have a mutually beneficial trade relationship. - 这两个**有着互利互惠的贸易关系。

5. Let's work together and solve the problem as a team. - 让我们一起合作,作为一个团队解决问题。

Overall, "互相" emphasizes the concept of mutual or reciprocal actions, interactions, and relationships between individuals or groups.


The correct translation for "互相" into English is "mutually" or "each other".

When used as an adverb, "互相" indicates a reciprocal action or relationship between two or more subjects. It reflects the idea that the action or relationship is done or experienced by both or all parties involved. In English, "互相" can be translated as "mutually" or "each other."

Here are a few examples of how "互相" can be used in sentences:

1. 他们互相帮助,共同完成了这个项目。

(They helped each other and completed the project together.)

2. 我们应该互相尊重并彼此支持。

(We should respect each other and support one another.)

3. 在这个团队中,大家互相合作,取得了很好的结果。

(In this team, everyone cooperated with each other and achieved great results.)

4. 孩子们互相分享着自己的玩具。

(The children share their toys with each other.)

So, "互相" can be translated as "mutually" or "each other" depending on the context of the sentence.