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  • 写作技巧
  • 2023-10-23 09:14:47
  • 88



The word "birthday" is commonly used in English to refer to the anniversary of someone's birth. When you want to use it as a noun, you can simply write "birthday." For example, "Happy birthday!" or "I celebrated my birthday with my family."

If you want to use it as an adjective or attributive noun, you can write it as "birthday." For example, "birthday cake," "birthday party," or "birthday gift."

Additionally, there are a few other phrases related to birthdays that you might find useful:

1. "Birthdate" or "date of birth" refers to the specific day and year a person was born. For example, "What is your birthdate?" or "I need your date of birth for the registration."

2. "Birthday celebration" or "birthday party" refers to the event or gathering held to commemorate someone's birthday. For example, "We're having a big birthday celebration for my friend next week."

3. "Birthday wishes" or "birthday greetings" are the expressions of goodwill or congratulations given to someone on their birthday. For example, "I sent her birthday wishes through a text message" or "He received many birthday greetings from his friends."

It is worth noting that different cultures and countries may have their own unique customs and expressions when it comes to birthdays. It could be interesting to explore and learn about these differences when writing about birthdays in English.