[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Department]
[Your Organization]
[Recipient Name]
[Recipient Title]
[Recipient Department]
[Recipient Organization]
Dear [Recipient name],
I am writing to request your approval for [state the purpose of the request]. This request is important because [provide an explanation for the request]. I have attached any necessary documents or information related to this request.
[If applicable, you can mention the expected results or benefits of your request or the potential impact if your request is not approved]
[If applicable, you can include any alternative solutions or recommendations that can be considered]
I would greatly appreciate your prompt review and response to this request. If you need any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your consideration.
[Your Name]
John Smith
Human Resources Manager
ABC Corporation
January 15, 2021
Sarah Johnson
Chief Operations Officer
ABC Corporation
Dear Ms. Johnson,
I am writing to request your approval for an employee training program that would take place in February. The purpose of this program is to provide our employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to improve their productivity and efficiency. I have attached the program’s agenda and budget for your review.
The expected result of this training program is to improve our company’s bottom line by increasing our employees’ efficiency and productivity. Without this training program, we may continue to experience delays in project completion and reduced quality of work output.
If this request is not approved, we may miss out on potential opportunities which require heightened efficiency and productivity. Alternatively, we can consider alternative training options based on your recommendation.
Thank you for your prompt review and response to this request. If you need any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
John Smith
Dear [收件人姓名],
例句:I am writing to request your guidance or approval on the following matter.
例句:The matter in question is the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. As you are aware, this is a critical document that outlines our priorities and sets the tone for our organization’s financial health. As such, it is imperative that we receive your input and approval before moving forward.
例句:Specifically, we are seeking your approval on the proposed allocations for various departments and projects. We believe that these allocations reflect the priorities of our organization and will enable us to achieve our goals in the coming year. However, we understand that you may have reservations or suggestions for improvement, and we would welcome your input in this regard.
例句:Thank you for taking the time to consider our request. We value your input and expertise, and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information or clarification.
Ms. Jane Smith
Director of Finance
ABC Corporation
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am writing to request your guidance or approval on the following matter.
The matter in question is the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. As you are aware, this is a critical document that outlines our priorities and sets the tone for our organization’s financial health. As such, it is imperative that we receive your input and approval before moving forward.
Specifically, we are seeking your approval on the proposed allocations for various departments and projects. We believe that these allocations reflect the priorities of our organization and will enable us to achieve our goals in the coming year. However, we understand that you may have reservations or suggestions for improvement, and we would welcome your input in this regard.
Thank you for taking the time to consider our request. We value your input and expertise, and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information or clarification.
John Doe
Chief Financial Officer
XYZ Corporation